My Erdos number is 3.
My collaboration distance with some other famous people:
Saharon Shelah: 3
Irving Kaplansky: 3
E. Artin: 4
Alain Connes: 4
Albert Einstein: 5
Michael Atiyah: 5
Harish-Chandra: 5
Ramanujan: 6
Andrew Wiles: 6
Gauss: 7
E. Noether: 8
List of my coauthors
S. K. Jain, Kostia Beidar, Pedro A. Guil Asensio, Askar A. Tuganbaev, A. I. Singh, Surjeet Singh, B. Blackwood, Dinesh Khurana, Derya Keskin Tutuncu, Greg Marks, Steve Szabo, K. M. Prasad, Amitabha Tripathi, Sachin Gautam, Noyan Er, Feroz Siddique, Serap Sahinkaya, M. Tamer Kosan, T. C. Quynh, Zahra Nazemian, B. Davvaz, Berke Kalebogaz.
Articles for graduate students:
Mathematics as a creative art - Paul Halmos
Ten lessons I wish I had been taught - G. C. Rota
The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics - E. Wigner
Mathematician is rated the best job in US
Opinions I agree with:
There are too many B.A.D. Mathematicians - M. Henriksen