The conference talks will be in Blocker 166. The Blocker Building is on Ireland St. just south of University Dr. on the Texas A&M campus. Map

On January 9, 2013, we lost our good friend and colleague Ted Odell. Ted was a leader in the community of Banach space researchers, and he will be sorely missed. As Ted was one of the founders of the Summer Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar (SUMIRFAS) and served on the advisory board since its inception, the 2013 SUMIRFAS will be dedicated to his memory and will be held August 2-4, 2013. In addition, the conference "The Mathematical Legacy of Ted Odell" will immediately precede SUMIRFAS on August 1 and the morning of August 2, 2013. "The Mathematical Legacy of Ted Odell" will feature talks from researchers whose work was influenced by Ted Odell's, including some of Ted's 49 coauthors. The goal of the conference is to recognize Ted's outstanding mathematical legacy and to bring researchers in Banach spaces together to continue work in the area of mathematics that he loved.

The conference is part of the Workshop in Analysis and Probability at Texas A&M July 15-August 16, 2013. Participants are encouraged to attend other workshop events. In particular the Summer Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar (SUMIRFAS) will be held August 2-4, 2013 and the Concentration Week on "Dynamics, Geometry, and Operator Algebras" will be held August 5-9, 2013. There will be scheduled talks throughout the duration of the workshop as well.